Extreme Bocci & Croquet

Many games can be adjusted to fit limitations of space and terrain.  Bocci ball, e.g., can be played on the beach or in the woods, and need not be limited to an official court style environment.  Likewise, a croquet field may be altered to suit the site of play.  Custom courts can be designed to ensure access for all, and make your playspace a unique experience in outdoor activities!

Golf & Frisbee Golf

Specialty golf courses have grown in the past few decades, including the popular variation, frisbee golf.  Golf in any form offers real opportunity for social interaction in a natural environment.  If you have sufficient space, you may consider developing a customized, multi-use outdoor playspace to maximize the value of your real estate investment.

 Stephen  Pettengill

Horicultural Therapist

Landscape Designer
Portland, Oregon

